15 mar 2013

La Güestia

Is La Güestia:

the men and the priests pursue him through the camps full of rotting basil

with crucifix and torch in hand, they pursue him, to fight, because he is La Güestia.

No one knows if he's a monkey or a goat or a dog or an escuerzo, all they know is that La Bestia is a hellish apparition, or beastioid come from the 17th ring of Infernos

IS LA GÜESTIA! The men and the priests find him fucking a daughter of the men

no one understands, no one sees, no one rationalizes that La Güestia is La Güestia?

His legs of lamb and his cock introduced in a daughter

caught in fraganti, with his gloved hand on a tit, fornicating a daughter of the men

because he's La Güestia, who gets surprised and falls prey of irrational panic seeing suddenly the men and the priests, who come for him with the crucifix, with the torch

and unblessed water of cumin, to throw at the eyes of La Güestia, to blind him and cut his testicles with a sharpened stone

The commissar of the town advances, with the water and the stone, La Bestia howls and growls some guttural words of blasphemy that escape from his mouth, barely comprehensible

now La Güestia tries to escape, but he's cornered by christian men with fire

the sequence starts getting disconcerting hyperbola, as a smell of silvery H2o penetrates your olfactive follicles

the lens gets blurry

..sleep on.

Illustration by

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