In the time when the Earth still was hot and untoughened, like a boiled potato, the deities of the seas lived in their island-palacet, which was a conch of oro lost in the remote brumes of Oceano.
The marine beasts, like the bucephalus or the bucentaurus, were amicable, and fornicated with the nautical nymphs, daughters of the King of the Ocean: Fideos.
Fideos was a King-God, borned [sic] from the entrails of the horrible Nocte: the absolute and primordial nothing.
The cum of Fideos was ejected at the sky of his brother Ceus (King-God of the welkin, also borned from the gastric Nocte)
from the flying sperm all the nymphs were borned, 11,011 in total, nymphs who were immortal, hence, still live today, in rural zones of the European Union.
Thetys, the most beautiful of the nymphs floats in radiometric ages on the planch of the waters.
She has left her brassiere of amianthus on the shore, and is violated by the King of the Ocean: his father Fideos, because the incest was permitted among these horny gods.
After this pleasure, Thetys leaves the torrid waters of Oceano, and goes to the silver palacet to take a cold shower, because the marine waters were too hot
in a second sequence she is sucking the cunt of her sister Carmona, doing 69 at the toilettes, and lets a golden rain fall on her mouth
everything is delight and vicious sex at the palacet, when a flotilla of human ships is seen coming from nebulose distances across the ocean roads:
they are the mariners that destroyed Troy, commanded by king Menelaus -later recited in "The Iliad"-, and their galleons are full of marine victuals, such yellow cheese, honey, or galleta, besides valuable goods like wool from Thebes, grease, obols and tetradrachmae.
As soon as the humans disembark on the divine shores, they disrespect the divinities, and start violating the daughters of Fideos anally, while they, as well, try to impale the King-God using one of the masts of their galleons, because Fideos was little, and fish-like
the divinities of the sea, defenceless and innocent, escape flying toward the elastic precincts of Olympus, houses of Ceus, President of the Gods
in their outrage and impiety, the mariners establish themselves at the island-palacet, as if it was their property
because, according to the historian Microbius:
"...These men took the island-palacet, and lived there establishing a tyranny during one time, times, and the half of a time, and horses were disembarked by Menelaus, and Greek mouflons, and the women of soft twats, captured in Troy
and the blinding oriflamme [...]
because during one time, times, and the half of a time they lived there, at the island-palacet, and Menelaus usurped the scepter and the crown of Fideos, and masturbated with them, and drank the sweet liquor of the divinities, which was distilled from mucus of lamia [...] and the frothy beds of the nymphs were spoiled in semen, and they procreated daughters, and lived, because the island-palacet was a conch of oro lost in the remote brumes of Oceano."
Notwithstanding his incommensurable fury, Ceus was patient, and permitted these mortals to commit this blasphemous crime and get away with it, during one time, times, and the half of a time, only to increase the offense, and therefore, the punishment.
302 years went by, and in their triumphant arrogance, the men start building a tower, based on the small island-palacet, consisting of rhomboidal bricks and cement
and the tower was destined to reach Olympus, either to converse with Ceus, or to dethrone him violently: when the edifice reached its 432nd floor, the furor of Ceus was mature:
a chemiluminescent ray was dyscharged from the metallic palms of Ceus while sleeping [sic], which chastised the base of the tower, falling truncated but entire, like a man whose feet were brusquely sliced with an Arab scimitar
in this horrid disaster all the men and women that usurped the island-palacet died in 2.6 seconds, and they were 4,000,000:
because their esophagi, muscular membranous tubes, stomach and genitalia got inflated because of the radiation, and exploded
the skyes were sepulchered in funest obumbration for 4,008 years
and the lamentable tear reigned supreme over Oceano
and the laceration
and the caliginosity
and the MAL.
a chemiluminescent ray was dyscharged from the metallic palms of Ceus while sleeping [sic], which chastised the base of the tower, falling truncated but entire, like a man whose feet were brusquely sliced with an Arab scimitar
in this horrid disaster all the men and women that usurped the island-palacet died in 2.6 seconds, and they were 4,000,000:
because their esophagi, muscular membranous tubes, stomach and genitalia got inflated because of the radiation, and exploded
the skyes were sepulchered in funest obumbration for 4,008 years
and the lamentable tear reigned supreme over Oceano
and the laceration
and the caliginosity
and the MAL.
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