27 sept 2013

Picture of the week

First cell of insurrect feminist women of Spain (Alcañices, 18..?) after the day when they submitted a draft bill to the Cortes in order to acquire the right to drive trolleybuses.

Left to right:
Miss Emilia Jirones, Mistresses Celina Soria de Conde Cordero, Lola G. de Paz, Lola C. de Kiroga & Guillerma Insúa; Miss Matilde Ceballos; Mistresses Carmen de Pedegert, Titina Pedemonti & Arminda de Veyga i Verga; Misses Rita Tobillo, Sarah Kiroga, Europa Kiroga, Mistress Rosario M. de Benabídes; Misses Asturia & Elmera Genou.

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