27 sept 2013

Dámaso & Daniela, a brutish urban chase in 1.989

Ha ha ha, haha, ha ha ha ha ha ha hahahahahaha HAHAHA! Aaaaaaa hahahaha!


Dámaso & Daniela are hunting each other on the urban sidewalks of January of 1.989

they search and seek like fieras, like authentic tigers through the city, but they never can find them.

I think that Dámaso is name of an old person, like an old columnist of a conservative newspaper: Dr. Dámaso Centeno, for example

who the fuck is Dámaso Centeno?

The hunting doesn't stop through the afternoon on those streets of summer, Daniela searches for her prey:

illuminated by the white sun her grapefruits shine among the taxis, astounding, colossal and round like the angels of God

at 17:47 the men who pass by get mercilessly fulminated by the lazer of her nipples:

if I'd stumble upon Daniela in that moment, I'd enamour her, I would talk to her about the silver trains that go to Mars or about the Universal Soldier who'll fight for the future in a time tomorrow. About two penises in her mouth or about a girl penetrating her with a rubber cock; about the loves or about absolutely nothing.

Fucking with someone named like you must be quite sick, an auto-erogenous anomaly:

at 19:00 hs. o'clock, the headphones of the sidewalks are tuned with the radio programme "La Oral Deportiva", hosted by the commentator José María Muñoz; the shoes of Dámaso tread on the prolonged streets that never end:

how this chase began and why? Can't they see that the city is too big to find each other among the mass of people?

At the same time, on the other corner of the audacious megalopolis, Daniela walks with her photoelectric detector on:

notwithstanding the transducer receives every environmental change in the heat and light over an area of 25 km, the spectrum of Dámaso isn't envisioned by the electric signal of the screen:

ha ha ha, haha, ha ha ha ha ha ha-ahahaha HAHAHA! Aaaaaah!

The hunting will probably continue during the night, inhabited by sublunar hobos and holy humans emerged from the subterranean pipelines, that other city that lies underneath, the one which resurfaces at the hour when no one is there

because the hunting will surely go on, all over the asphalt of an urban radio built in failed encounters that I knew:

at 3:15 AM, Dámaso & Daniela still search each other in a cité where the most uncoceivable things can happen when the night is abysm.

With the help of hemeralopic spectacles they run deep through the benighted city, which still reserves more abnormal surprises for them... Dámaso & Daniela, a brutish urban chase in 1.989

a hunting that never ever ends, a goal in itself.

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