30 ago 2013

Frigida & the proxenets

Frigida mounts on guepardes. The animals have one body only, but multiple heads, they sweetened their ferocity, entering the world of the human domesticité because of their own clemency.

Two pimps on two horses scort her, on her road to Cordoba:

the legs of the equines walk on the juicy grass like lifted by a soft magic, while Frigida drinks straw hydromel from a fat calix.

The land is vaporous and full of morbidly obese angels, and the white-slavers don't dare to touch her: 
despite the pace of the guepardes is slow and ceremonious, suddenly, the trapezoidal silhouette of the city appears in front of their eyes, hidden by distance and steam.

Frigida doesn't know why the whoremongers accompany her, neither they know it but, for her, they are two benevolent entities sent by the celestium
the whole scene turns into a wooden and sick retable:

The trio enters Cordoba, the Gates of the town are anointed in spits and bear fat: 
into the dome, a loathsome drizzle starts falling on the skin and the sins of the mortals, who run for cover like Mary Magdalenes.

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