31 jul 2013

Litto Nebbia and the adjacent days

Félix Rafaelo Félix[sic] Mierda, better known for his artistic name of Litto Nebbia, was born in Niterói, Brazil in 1972:

the first thing he did, just egressed from the maternal womb, was holding a small radio cassette recorder that his mother had there, and suck it like a tit.

A precocious and hard working talent, Litto already had 25 albums recorded on cassette when he was 4 years old, mostly consisting of half-arsed percussion and ridiculous hums: 

these hums would become his trademark characteristic during his feverish musical career, though his discography became so humongous that no-one knows how many albums, singles, EP's or cassingles he recorded during his meteoric but frantic life: Nebbia simply wanted to pulverize every Guinness record, in order to be the musician in the history of mankind with the biggest discography.

At the age of 15 Litto Nebbia had already 7.711 albums, 19.008 EP's and 6.000.001 cassingles recorded, and ready to release, which finally happened when he created his own record company some years later, with the help of his parents, who were totally overwhelmed by Litto's obsession: 

the name of the company was <<Melopea disque & cased>>, which was inaugurated with a massive release of the entirety of Litto Nebbia's recorded work until that day: 23.008 albums, 879.006 EP's and cassingles.

In his tireless fervor, Nebbia created the covers, played all the instruments (mostly piano and hums), produced the recordings, supervised the pressings and distributed everything in a replete Fiat 133, visiting record stores in every Brazilian state, reaching -even- the most distant towns, a titanic, one-man task that not even the combined forces of EMI, PolyGram and CBS could do... because Nebbia was delirious, and he worked night and day non-stop, recording thousands of new albums a day, and in fact from 1975 until his end in August of 2013, he only slept 8 nights.

During the 80s, 90s and early 2000s this demented routine continued.

Even during his wedding ceremony, in 2001, he was recording an album with a TASCAM portastudio that he took to the church: he couldn't kiss the bride because he was recording backing vocals.

One week later his wife had to be sent to a mental institution, so Nebbia turned more and more into a hermit misanthrope, notwithstanding his recording production got considerably increased, though it always was the same improvised piano and hums.

Back in 2010 most of the Brazilian record shops were overflowing, crammed with his compact disks, LPs, and tapes that no-one purchased.

His end was as tremendous as it was enigmatic: 
the day 1st of August of 2013, Litto Nebbia was literally sucked by a ginormous Alesis mixing console, the machine created a horrible vacuum in the studio and Nebbia started floating in the vitiated air of the hall

suddenly, due to an unknown magnetic aberration created by Mandinga, his body started swirling in the air at increasing speed... 
is too horrid, too aghast-esque to be described, to be narrated the way how Litto Nebbia was sucked (sopapa effect), redirected toward one of the colossal speakers and, finally

and finally swallowed with the centrifugal force of 100 nuclear reactors, a cruel, a criminal crime[sic].

Because Litto Nebbia was actually ingested by a multitrack Alesis console

entire and alive he was suctioned.

The console was carefully dismantled, piece by piece, same as the speakers and every artifact found in the fatal studio: Nebbia wasn't found

every apparatus, every milimeter of the studio was meticulously examined by technicians, angelologists, psychiatrists, espíritas, physicians, Jewish, Catholic, Protestant and Muslim religious authorities, astrophysicists, mathemagicians, brujos.

Nothing was found.

Every palmo of that lethal place was scrutinized by the CIA, the MOSSAD, the NASA and the FBI; 
ultra-modern software was used (most of it absolutely secret software, unknown for the public opinion).

Nothing was found.

Where's Litto Nebbia? 

No-one knows, I'm also there investigating, I'm a physiologist.

A noted especialist in quantum mechanics, Prof. Paul Gascoigne, suggested -but only suggested- that Nebbia could have penetrated an aberrant gravitational field*

according to his thesis, Nebbia would be here, today, but he wouldn't be in this here

just in a bifolded here

caught, observing us?

Trapped forever Litto Nebbia? In his adjacent days, which are these days, but are not our days?

*The Infernos in the Judæo-Christian imageries.

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