4 jun 2012

The curse of Camilo Sexto

"Because the life of every creature is its blood. That is why I have said to the Israelites, "You must not eat the blood of any creature, because the life of every creature is its blood; anyone who eats it must be cut off."
                              (Leviticus 17:14)

Camilo Blanes Pucha was the sixth son of a sixth son (which according to the fable, was the anti-seventh son of a seventh son, the anti-werewolf), that's the reason why he was called Sexto: sixth.

He was born in a small town of Catalonia called Val-Llobrega, rural comarques where the superstition about witches styll are deeply rooted into the people's mynds, especially fueled by the old women, that rule those valleys in authentic (though unofficial) matriarchy, AND WHOSE WORD IS LAW.

A complex society, which in the most distant zones and hamlets lost in the middle of the Pyrenees, still live anchored in medieval tymes, is where Camilo Blanes Pucha grew, and since the tender childhood, he was used to the curious habits of the paisans of those zones, populated by vampires, bears and the dwarf wolf, a variety of wild dog which usually was chased, especially the females.

These she-wolves were chased and domesticated, to be milked
with the milk of the dwarf wolf was prepared the black cheese of wolf of the Pyrenees, which ingested in excess provokes dementia and hysteria in women, and mega virility and hirsutism in men

...this cheese is unknown for the world outside these comarques, and for the people of Barcelona, it's just a urban legend.

One afternoon when he was 15, Camilo was milking a she-wolf at the backyard

something got the animal nervous, and suddenly Camilo received a profound bite in his right hand

the blood gushed out of control from the terrible wound, so much that it couldn't be stopped, and his parents had to take him to the doctor...the nearest doctor lived 200 km away, and Camilo Blanes Pucha almost died during the traject, into the Renault 4 of his father.

The she-wolf escaped toward the mountains, with her eyes flaming in red: the animal now was intoxicated with the human mind and cursed, because she tasted human blood.

The fate of the animal was irreversible now: that very night she would become a Garou, repugnant biped creature with lupine aspect and fur, and human brains with frenzied obsession for the blood and the human stare, also called Güell.

When the man finds unexpectedly a Garou in the middle of the Pyrenean forest, the Garou begs the man to tell his last dream.
If the combination of words of the man is not the right one, the Garou shatters the man's flesh and devours him.
If the combination of words is the right one, the Garou only bites the man in a hand, marks him and lets him go:
the man will survive but he'll never be the same again, because after he's bitten, the wolf becomes his spiritual father, and the man, his blood son.

Because the wolf is humanized, and his brain gets unclosed, and opened to the horrible comprehension: the terrible reason and the human word

and the man is bestialized, and his blood becomes ardent, and his mind gets turbulent and full of mysteries

and the wolfized man is lost in the nights, and he runs away, deviated from the urban conglomerates, toward the distant mountains, copulating with the beasts of the nyght and all its horrors.

Camilo Blanes Pucha never was the same again, his mood became taciturn and intriguing, and as the years went by, he dedicated himself to write songs, and sing, he abandoned the hamlet, because he moved to Barcelona, because he abandoned Val-Llobrega (which means lugubrious valley).

His career was pretty promising, and he got a contract with Ariola Eurodisc, but the fate had reserved something strange

something impossible

impossible, impossible


After recording his first single "Melina", that very night, a tall and robust shadow followed him on through the Barcelona streets

from the recording studio to his apartment

a shadow, a tall and robust shadow, followed him, walking, on through a humid and mild Spring night of 1.975 by the Barcelona streets

Camilo Blanes Pucha never realized he was being followed
followed by a tall and biped shadow

a shadow

a shadow.

That night Camilo Blanes Pucha disappeared, because nobody saw him anymore.

Days later, and searching for his possible murder, the police entered his apartment by force

the flat was empty, Canilo Blanes Pucha was not there

the officers only found a copy of the cover for his single, ready to be printed, and the song "Melina" in a demo cassette

over the sofa, which was in a corner, an abundant pile of grey hairs and a sort of canine tooth that nobody saw, were caressed by the Spring breeze, that came through the open window of the afternoon.

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