25 may 2012

The sudden visitor

My name is Nobody, hermana, I have come to your world to fuck you, like a phantasm (this phantasm that I am, this phantasm).
Come hermana, let me fuck you like this unreal body that I am, fuck you anally, blended with the vigil and the sleep.

Take it like something -almost- unreal, a token of union with another world, because... this goes beyond your decision.

I have come from a subterranean, maybe subhuman place, my world is not yours, but it doesn't mean that my world ignored you: my world knows you.

Although, on the wet streets of your town you run massacres every day with your frozen eyes, eyes that don't see, that don't feel.

The point is chromium here, and the cold of the sidewalks has brought to us something hard that is rising slowly from the sewage tubes where the rats swim.

The cold pipelines of your decadent rotting world that is coming down:
I came to make it come down faster, to re-build another one better on the ruins.

The stare of the innocent ones, it could mean something for me if I'd really tried to... but my heart was hardened long time ago on the path of the subterranean winds:
my voice is not my voice, then I whistle and run with those winds, with them.

Behind them.

I am several, and yet I am one (none), and I (we) came to this plane of your reality to light the light and make the destruction run


And the construction run faster yet.

Because everything that has to be, will be.
Will be. Will be

if it's... faster...

For millenniums your people were looking at that arid and desert sky, imagining forms and deities that were created to occult the faecal origin of the human.
To mystify.

For millenniums my people were looking at that surface of the other reality, and so mystified was, blending it with the vigil and the sleep.

Like a dream of demented ones.

Our tears fell down like heavy drops, but mine were dried long ago into the hyper violence and the bestial coldness of a world that you don't know.

Our means of subsistence were the rifle and the systematic abuse of anyone who was weaker
we slept in subterranean cemeteries and devoured the raw meat of the inferior.
Because all that subterranean jungle is a huge cemetery.

Now just come, honey sister, because I have come, I just wanna fuck you anal and vaginally until the day is done.

The day is done. The day is done.

Just want to join our worlds, inseminating my blood in you
as your deep flesh impregnates your blood in me.

Maybe this comes like an act of love from myself... one of the few acts of love in this Universe so full of violence
yes, an act of love and union, maybe automatic, merely physical, symbolic, like a vestige of my humanity

because my soul long ago is dead.

Hermana, for millenniums, with hungry eyes, we were looking at that surface, where your people lived.

Your people never knew, never saw these millions of eyes watching them, but...

for millenniums, from our obscure depths, my people beheld at your people while your people beheld at the arid and desert sky, hermana.

Your Heaven was the sky
our Heaven was your world.

For millenniums we were your other reality
because... for millenniums we only existed in your people's nightmares, like suggestions.

But now just come, honey hermana, because I have come.

blended with the vigil and the sleep.

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