13 mar 2017

Sigh-esque transportations of Enano Diamante

Enano Diamante enters the Lita Fórd apartment in Long-Island, and she is in boobs.

And Enano Diamante's birth name is Bück Dhärma Röeser

and he is 3 feet tall, besauce Enano Diamante is 3 feet tall

and he is caught in the act by the hidden camera's provided by Locatel

how he steals and steals, the cameras's show, how he kneads Lita Fórd's nipples, the camera shows

and Enano Diamante also steals her breath, and he is momentarily intoccicated by her halitosis

... but he doesn't care, besauce his obsession his the diamond, el diamante

and he's a master o' the dark magics, and he turns the room into a black patarata

and the diamante floats and a-floats, like a glassy sorete, like Rene Lavand used to do

and he returns in train to Brooklyn, seated alone like a maffioso

and his suit was purchased at "Agrest", Jujuy 151 Buenos Aires

and here he is, in his brothel in Brooklyn, the "Kon-Tiki"; whiskacho, timba, minas en pelotas

and he exposes his jeweldom on a table covered in green felt

and the radio blasts "La danza de la fortuna", with Roberto Gonzalez Rivero "Riverito"

and he is 3 feet tall, besauce Enano Diamante is 3 feet tall.

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