1 ago 2014

Serpent travels on the salt

In the new year's day January 1 of the infra-red year the serpent slides its milky body on the salt

-in the new year's day January 1 of the infra-red year.

The lilacs of the valley behold it traveling on the wetted saline road, as its philo-transparent torso leaves a seminal patina on the mineral aridity:

Serpent travels on the salt, no-one disturbs it, not even dares, she king of the queen snakes, bi-sexed, amorphous beast, its albino-like horns seem to appear from its triangular mouth, as a crimson tongue contrast on the insulting whiteness of everything around inkluding

Serpent travels on the salt -in the tepid day January 1 of the infra-blue year:

From a petulant distance, or prudent, the barbate sons of the men complain about the goodness and observe how

Serpent travels on the salt -viscous and lacteal, with its visceral angles perfectly delineated through its philo-philo-philo-philo-philo-philo-philo-artificial skin whose venous knots seem to be seen in all its pale-pink splendor at the puke-inducing sunlight of Maharis.


Because -in the new year's day January 1 of the infra-red year.

Serpent travels on the salt, full of maldad his/her eyes fascinate everything, like a darn sausage of cum exposed to the four winds bar:

irrational in its ophidian wisdom of centuries, Serpens, he/she starts whispering a sibilant phrase which is brought by the breeze beyond the plantations of garlic

and beyond

beyond.... beyond the mountains of straw and butter

and yet beyond the wooden houses fulminated by the paludism:

"Already wake up baby, mount on the lightning
and so you'll see how good and sweet making love is

Already wake up on the lightning..... "


Serpent travels on the salt, in the second day of a new year, January 2 of the year of the mollusca invaders from outer space, who descend on the magnetized Earth like deformed lords of the galaxial barbarity as they observe

Serpent travels on the salt

at the torrid afternoon

-in the new year's day January 1 of the infra-red year.

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