The fable told us how Tiresias the clairvoyant hit two copulating snakes he found by chance on a lost path... and the fact is that during a long while Tiresias castigated both reptiles with a long stick, until green blood emanated from their skins, splashing the Tiresias eye:
because Tiresias thought that no one saw this unnecessary cruelty, but Hera queen of the star, she heard the sound of the spilled blood of the ophidia
and Hera became ireful against Tiresias, the clairvoyant
and from the eyes of her cylindrical crown of ice, Hera discharged a sexual ray that impacted the Tiresias body, like the wild electricity of the air that devastates the dry floresta.
Tiresias stayed fallen on the ground, like dead for three days, until he finally woke up... gradually he realized that his body... it was the body of a woman?
It was possible, such evil technology that the gods possessed?
Tiresias ran to the lake, to see himself reflected on the waters
and the aquose mirror showed him the figure of a virago, and murmured in his-her ear 2 words of anticipation or omen:
a horrible scream was heard on the countryside of his desperation.
Beyond and far, on the conical valley, tomb of the living ones, the homes of the rustics stayed turned off with their lamps fed by rancid oil.
Six years later we see Tiresias married to a man and working as priestess in the transparent temple:
Tiresias the clairvoyant man gave birth six children from his masculine womb in his days of feminity, and were these days 2000 and a half of a half and half a half.
And as Tiresias experienced both the feminine and masculine orgasm, he declared that, in an orgasm, the woman feels 9 parts of pleasure, and the man 1 part only (out of 10).
For this revelation, Tiresias the manwoman was blinded and his mouth was filled with excrement and ants by Ceuc in person (because that was a secret of the gods), and he-she was turned into man again, and then he fathered six more children, all born from his cum, and then Tiresias was turned into woman again, and then into man, and then into woman, to end, finally, Tiresias, the disgraced turned into a snake.
The much odium, horripilation and hate that the gods felt for Tiresias was due to 2 reasons: he knew too much, and he talked too much: didn't demonstrate this how vulgar the gods were?
And after all these tragedies Tiresias escaped heavily, to the montaña mágica, because he couldn't breastfeed his children with milk of viper, because the milk of his udder was brown and coagulated.
And, isn't curious that no one could ever know what Tiresias the manwoman had in his mind?
No one, not even Ceuc omniscient.
The fable never told us how Tiresias the living deformity defeated the gods of Olympus in the end, because... while the Olympian deities escaped toward more hospitable galaxies from the indignation of the man, tired of their insanity and arbitrariness, Tiresias is still here, crawling on his-hers ophidious abdomen at the gates of the continental cities, eating dust and English fried pizza, prophesying out loud with viperine vocal cord... still here... today; saluting the velocious traject of the intercity high speed trains, Tiresias immortal, denaturalized, protected by normative of the European Commission.
And I wonder: isn't that the evening Sun falling behind his-hers skin like a red plate?
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