11 dic 2013

Futuralia Bestialia

Year 2070, Liberated Queendom of the USA, from the balcony the monarchess Andreas Fuck observes the emaciated populace begging for used water and rotting bread: 

a pallid eunuch throws turds and piss at them which are devoured with sick delight by the degraded mob because it's excreta come from the anal tract of the monarchess, tutelar goddess of the nation arrived from estrellas distantes

The next step is gonna be invading the Erotomaniac Patriarchat of Mexxxico, open path toward the Apartheidist Confederation of Sul America and Annexed Antarctica: 

-"Is the world going to be all yours, fuckable Andreas Fuck?", a servant undermined by the chancre asks 

-"Wait and see", she murmurs 

"Wait and see".

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