25 nov 2013

The silver mule

According to the index divided in 987 volumes "Apocrypha mythologica Græca", written by George Clooney, there was a girl or woman, Ophelie (other sources say "Aguirra"), who lived on a mounded hill close to Corinth, or Glass Gown.

Every night she beheld the silver moon appearing in the demented niche of the sky, like a lacteal figurine or paparruchada, although it showed a mule-esque shape, reason why she named it "a mool", mix of moon and mule.

Night after night the silver mool flew closer and closer to Ophelie, passing by over her head, making a buzz full of radio-frequencies, hums and other lunar noises, until one night, when finally the mool decided to land on the mounded hill, beside Ophelie.

The silver mool was indeed a horned mule, but they were probably in Scotland, so it was a mull:

the horns of the animal were luminous and full of blue marmalade, same as his anus, and he pronounced some brief words to salute Ophelie in his landing, because it was a very intelligent perissodactyla, because it came from the moon

in fact this silver mool was the moon himself although, while he was on the land, the moon still was flying in the sky?

Trying to explain in her mind how the moon could be in two different places at the same time, Ophelie arrived to a natural conclusion: the silver mool was just an effluvium or projection of the moon that only she could see, a bit or portion, an emissary maybe, an astral digit.

The silver mool galloped joyful over the round hill, like a cloud of gas or falopa, and Ophelie followed and mounted on this mule of light, which was extremely amicable and tame, because it was already domesticated by Zeos on the metallized valleys of Olympus, and Zeos was father of the gods and pediatrician of the men.

Riding veloce downhill, the silver mool and Ophelie descended to the oily valley, where the luminous quadruped served her vagino-anal and impregnated her with a torrent of viscous cum.

Later, when the Revlon™ mascara of the dawn showed in the upper atmosphere over the urban areas, and the moon mother got hidden behind the High Chaparral of Leif Erickson, Cameron Mitchell and Linda Cristal, at the hour when the kettles for the mate cimarrón start boiling, the silver mool began his return to the lunar womb, like a volant fluorescent lamp, getting lost in the airglass, as he said Ophelie buenas noches.

And this is how Ophelie (other sources say "Galinda") mothered the first mules on the soft Earth, because prior to this, no mule or mull was seen on the earthly terrains, neither on the isles, nor on the continental masses, and Zeos blessed this progeny, and made it fructify and multiply on the oily valleys, and endowed Ophelie with the odious-sweet immortality, and Zeos was father of the gods and pedagogue of the men.

When the night is not overcast over Corinth or Glass Gown (city of rancid whiskeys and word of injury), the silver mool flies over Ophelie and the mulls, visiting them in love and selenomancy, and do you know how that light caresses?:

Two kilometres away, the whales of the near river Clyde, with me, ignore all this crepuscular amorousness, too busy suiciding for loves that have died.

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