24 nov 2013

The repetitions of Johnny Allon

You know what? I was very very unhappy and miserable when I was a kid (still I am), my parents were from the mountain, they didn't understand anything AT ALL, never, nunca, nada, jamás, no, nothing, rien, zero, null, nope, NO THING.

They used to kick me and send me out, even in the pouring rain, or in the middle of the winter, terrible, terrible, absolutely merciless and callous humans with no feelings.

After hours exiled in the outside, at night, I knocked at the door, and they opened -if I was lucky- before 11 PM... they were with my siblings there, chewing, manducating, devouring, masticating fideos moñitos

the TV was on, of course, almost burning in flames after long hours in the same channel, always the same channel, and for my disgrace they were watching the "Johnny Allon Show"

no, the real name of "Johnny Allon" was Antonio Juan Sánchez, a frustrated singer who sang terribly, and dedicated his efforts to be a DJ

on his emetic show on TV, the "Johnny Allon Show", he aired videoclips of Rod Stewar and los Rolling Stón and Keith Richard and Elton Jones (this is how my parents named them), then, dance pop crap of the lowest caliber from "Los 40 Principales"

then some baturros told obscene jokes with double entendre, in the middle of a background music that made PUKE


The worst thing were the Johnny Allon's repetitions, he had 3 or 4 catchphrases that he repeated all the time:

"Give it gassss"

"Change me the musssiccc"

"Give it poweeer"

"For youuu, cachorraaa"

I was born brainless, besides, but I ended more brainless after watching this.

Then the Johnny Allon Show was repeated at 2 AM, so if I wanted to watch something at that hour, when everybody was sleeping, I had to see this monster again, because it was the only channel on air at that hour

Johnny Allon submersed me into the deepest atheism at young age, because I always ruminated the same bitter equation:

"If there is a Johnny Allon, there's no God, it's impossible"

circa 1999 or 2000 I started having inhuman nightmares about Johnny Allon and his TV shows

the "Johnny Allon Show" was broadcasted non stop in my dreams, with repetitions, and Johnny Allon repeated his catchphrases on and on, only for me

I tried to escape, desperate, but full of consternation and agony I realized I was caught in my dream, and I couldn't wake up, at least, for 8 hours

in the most lugubrious passages of my nightmare of repetitions and escenas insólitas, the oxygenated hair of Allon reflected a blinding solar light that dazzled me and tortured me endlessly, while he sang a cœlestial song, like... like cœlestial little bells, abysmal... demasiado

like... like little bells from Heaven, AGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!

The mornings found me emaciated and sick, with my eyeballs excessively protuberant and my bones cracking at every step.

Fortunately I could escape

escape, yes, HA HA HA, escape!

But... where?

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