11 mar 2013

A head in the sun

Softo Róchester is dead

the retarded lettuce man, born with mutation of genes and congenital deformity, hidden from the populations of Pomona, San Bernardino & Riverside, areas of Los Angeles where his parents lived

Softo spent his 52 years of life occult under lock and key from the eye of the neighbors
his atrocious stature, 2 meters 30 cm
his huge and swollen hands
his lettucized face
his rugose and pale skin.

Softo died yesterday in the morning
at his workshop
where he prepared home-made compote and tiramisu
Softo died under the white light
like angelology coming through the crystals

his body was edematous and full of water

in that exact moment, God was not in his alcove

on the TV, the massive jaws of George Kennedy recited his lines in "Cool Hand Luke" with monocorde tone.

His septuagenarian parents hid any evidence or vestige
the neighbors shouldn't know that the monster died

no one should know, ever.

They dismembered Softo with soft knives of butter

they put the watery bodily parts of the son in plastic bags

limb by limb

the inflammation of the organs full of sap exuded a greenish juice when they cut them.

Under the risible L.A. sun, the carnal parts of Softo Róchester were disseminated among the romaine lettuces of a plantation, close to the Warner Bros. Studios.

"A head in the sun".

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