24 nov 2019

Morna & Mirno

Morna & Mirno live in a dollhouse in Hollywood

the walls are made of perfumed ear wax, same as their skin, which was completely renewed, pore by pore, by Doctor Elmer Flowers, at his hospital in Robleda, Michigan.

Morna is a weirdo-woman who makes sculptures with teguments and semisolid boogers, while Mirno is an artist of the ass

Mirno performs his act every Friday and Saturday and Sunday and Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday at the Tibidabo Club, in Riverside.

In their dollhouse they have 900 cats and a machine to manufacture pink donuts, which they eat night and day, listening to Demis Roussos, Barry White, and Elton Jones.

The curtains, made of yellow rayon and tulle from Orient, cover the triangular, at times cubical, if not isosceles windows from the indiscreet curiosity of the passing sodomites.

Morna & Mirno.

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