4 oct 2013

A brief interview with the mother of the Antichrist

The happy mom as she looked this morning, in exclusive interview with us.

Finally Mirtha Legrand gave birth a baby this morning in Mondoñedo, Galicia (Spain), Legrand has being claiming for some months now that the foetus she beared in her womb was the Antichrist, fact that has been confirmed by the pope Francis in person this very morning, since the Pontiff has witnessed the childbirth and, after a very close scrutinization of the newborn baby, has concluded that the bambino is, effectively, the son of Satan.

The declarations of the Holy Father were:

-"Más bien gato, el pibe es el hijo e' Satan, de frente mar, porque lo digo sho, gil."

Mirtha, it was a difficult birth?

Mirtha Legrand:

Yes... I thought the darn baby couldn't pass through my cachufleta, I swear... you know, it's a big headed baby, I mean, my cunt is not made of rubber. 
Fortunately the Pope helped with forceps too. It was a shitty moment, parturitions suck.


But did you have to have a caesarean?

Mirtha Legrand:

It wasn't necessary, fortunately, but I repeat: the baby has a big head. Not so big as the cock of his father, but still.


How did Satan impregnate you?

Mirtha Legrand:

What kind of question is that? How do you think he impregnated me? Telepathically?
He gave me dunga dunga against the wall for six hours... I admit I didn't dislike it. Not much, at least. The only problem is that Satan has a monster dick, I had 19 faints.


How is the baby?

Mirtha Legrand:

I told you, his head is strange, too big. 
Otherwise he is a healthy baby... and I already breastfed him twice, mind you, I thought I hadn't any milk. 
The nurse told me that it was obstructed because I was too nervous, so she used a sopapa to unclog.
She also told me that the baby has aerophagia, and I have to breastfeed him twice a day only, because much milk makes him eruct and shit green.


How you'll name him?

Mirtha Legrand:

Well, Satan told me that I was free to choose the name I want, that he wouldn't get involved with the baby, his education... nothing at all.
He said he will provide the monthly alimony, though, because he said he's not a cunt. That's important I think, at least I was raped by a responsible father.

The name of the baby will be Costello, Ambrosius or Rigobert... I'm not sure yet, some suggestion?


How about "Satan"?

Mirtha Legrand:

Impossible, the names Satan, Lucifer, Luzbel, Demon, Leviathan, Azrael, Devil or Belzebub are banned in Europe, except in Greece.
"Antichrist" is also banned worldwide, except in Uruguay.

What do you expect for the future of your son, the Antichrist?

Mirtha Legrand:
I don't know... it's to soon, all I can say is that I'm glad he's a fat and rosy baby, like a fucking gochu astur... besides, he shouldn't feel compelled to follow the antichristism just because he was born the Antichrist, he can eventually choose any other profession.
I hope to send my son to a good university... his father can afford it, so, I think we won't have problems with it

economy, yes economy is the career of the moment, my baby will be a great economist, a Gene Simmons.

The proud mother has talked, ladies and gents, for the moment, she spends hours and hours caressing the inverted cross on the forehead of the bebé... the maternal instinct, they say.

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