12 jul 2013

Bathes of wave

On the beaches of Cantabria, rooftop of Spain, they practice the bathes of wave.

And the bathes of wave consist of people of diverse age, rinsing their ballsvagina in the marine sway of the Cantabrian see, in July, and in August, taking advantage of the semiparallelepiped position of the color blue of the horizon during the estival seasón.

This fashion of the bathes of wave was imposed by the royal family in 1911, when the king Alfonso XIII and the queen consort Victoria decided to begin with these lavations.
The king was really fond of the pornography, so they bathed naked, or en pelotas, as it appeared on a provincial newspaper: 

"The kíng and the queen, yester-day afternoón, bathed «en pelotas» at our local beaches, imposing a new fashión, in front of the stupefied stare of the fámilies".

(El Diario Montañés, matinal edition, July 35, 1911)

The bathes of wave[sic] of today, are enjoyed by the family, specially by the pensionistas and the politicians, like the president of cabinet, Mariano Rajoy, who laves his genitals in this Cantabrian sea every weekend

or as the new age guru Evo Peron said:

"Bathes of wave are all about testicles and clitoris, that's the secret of its success."

Notwithstanding, some controversy is aroused every now and then, because the inhabitants of the neighboring Asturias aren't allowed to enter Cantabria, to enjoy bathes of wave

then they want to enter by force, and they irrupt armed with catapults, but the inhabitants of Asturias are abhorred in Cantabria, and they aren't allowed to enter, and the Cantabrian government built a giant wall with electrified barbwires

so the Asturian inhabitant have to practice bathes of wave at his own beaches, which are completely inundated and devastated by the tempest and the fury of the atmospheric elements, while the Cantabrians, and Mariano Rajoy enjoy bathes of wave[cic] under a smiling semiparallelepiped position of the color blue of the horizon during the estival seasón.

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