8 may 2015

In the nave of Chykle

Chykle the Roboch travels the huniverses driving his nave built in Valentin Alsina, and built in wood, wires and cans of Viandada Swift

to his left, the screen shows the blue astral vagina, and to his right, the tachometer lets see the aerospace age-inferno that he's going to gonna visit in 55 minutes, as the onion-like turbines of his rocket get ignited like the nalgas of Lucifer el Diablo.

Chykle the Roboch knows, Chykle the Roboch smells that, on that hellishly planetary orto, he's going to gonna find Ilya Checile, the lethal Soviet astronaut, who's going to gonna give Chykle the Roboch death.

Chykle the Robach travels the ooniverses driving his nave made in Wank, Nebrasca, and made in banana condulceleche and churros rellenos, hotter than the pelotas of Satan el Demonio.

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