15 oct 2014

The two windows of HORROR of Xixón

In Xixón/Gijón exist two windows... the two windows of HORROR.

These two windows are lit[sic] at night and during the day, they are shut[sic again]: no-one ever saw anybody INSIDE.

There are many rumours circulating... and urban legends... about... cough... ahem... burp... ouch... these windows.

An old neighbor of the zone, Dino Cazares (84), insists about a mind-boggling, hair-horripilating fact: 
inside, very probably, no-one lives, but El Diablo.

Another aged neighbor, Sisebuto Poronguez (99), stated that these two windows, in fact, are two dimensiomal chutes toward the HELL, and whoever passes through 'em, gets channelized and mega-sucked toward an infernal plane of existence, about which we only have suppositions.

Notwithstanding all this alarming data, still there are other neighbors who swear they saw shadows in the night, moving in the interior of those bedchambers... close to the windows... confusing shadows of strange beings projected on the glasses of the windows, sí, sí, sí!... 

Thin and extremely tall shadows of insect-like biped entitities[sic 3] moving and moving INSIDE of that tremendous PLACE.

For example Rosenda Mercado (77), a honorable, and also honourable matron, who's often seen (and heard) talking shit at the bakery in the mornings, she said that those bedchambers or alcoves are inhabited by intelligent insecta from Venus all living together in a concubinate of evil, impiety and repugnanx.

These extra-terrestrial beings, also, would be nymphomaniacs (I'm 88,7% sure), and were actually who brought the AIDS to the Earthf, and the internets, because all this (scientifically proven) has come from another planet.

But the the most jaw-dropping conjecture of 'em all, came from the lips of Lalo Concha de la Lora (128), a venerable and gerontic neighbor who is in wheelchair since 1912.

De la Lora declared decades ago that those bedchambers are inhabited by Elvis Presley, Jimi Hendrix and Adolf Hitler, who are still alive, and live together in Xixón.

Anyways the communication with Mr. Concha de la Lora is impossible, since he accidentally ate his own tongue in 1977, and he can't read or write, let alone his senile dementia, complete paralysis, arteriosclerosis, Parkinson's disease, vanillism, aerophagy, St. Vitus' dance, thrombophilia, hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, psychosis, satyriasis, vitiligo, testicular induration, canine chorea, tarantism, acromegaly, erysipelas, chancre, meteorism, pertussis and malaria.

Still a mystery, el mystery de the two windows of HORROR of Xixón, an unsolved intríngulis that still keep neighbors and foreigners pasmados, boquiabiertos, patitiesos and cariacontecidos, not to say atónitos or turulatos.

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