7 jun 2014


The story begins in 194..? in Pine, England, a small town with 65 inhabitants where both John brothers were born.
Enrique -later Pinti- and Elton were born stuck: their butts were adhered like a revenge.

The pediatrician put them to sleep with chloroform and sepereted them using a knife to slice pechuga de pavo Cormillot.

Three days later, the mother of both John's -a mentally unbalanced woman called Plutocrata John- abandoned them, leaving both babies at the entrance of the soup kitchen "El Sogazo", in the near town of Shortheat, and joined a circensial caravan where clowns, tigers, bearded woman, midgets and circus freaks traveled on 50 handcars

no-one saw the abandonic mother again.

Fortunately a good-hearted matron called Aramis Foster saw the bebés there and took them to her home, breastfeeding them with her exuberant bust.

The next day she went to a temple of the Congregation of the Aeroplane Lickers to baptize the babies, an armed and virtually illegal semi-Christian denomination whose principal characteristic was the recollection of foreskins by means of a paramilitary Brigade of the Prepuce, whose stormtroopers captured adult male randomly on the streets of Pine and Shortheat, and sliced their fleshy capuchones.

The temple was in fact a trailer, and after the baptism (and circumcision) of Elton and Enrique, the priest, Rodolfo Ranni, asked Aramis Foster to grow and educate Enrique as his own son.

This was when Elton and Enrique got definitely separated, since, after an overdose of agua lavandina Ayudín, Rodolfo Ranni changed his name legally to Groncho Pinti, abandoned the church, and joined the tenebrous Maoist-Leninist guerilla Sendero Luminoso, moving to the deep jungles of Peru with Enrique to fight for the triumph of a worldwide dictatorship of the proletariat.

There are very few references about the life of Enrique in the Peruvian rainforests, some speculate about obscure and odd facts, like his childhood, during which he was -theoretically- nursed, raised and finally schooled by a Communist robota

these claims were justified with this dubious but intriguing photograph (probably a photomontage created with Soviet technology in 195..?).

The first real data about his youth finds him escaping to Cabo Polonio, Uruguay, where Enrique was enslaved by the psychotic owner of a tambo, and forced to milk 9.000 cows a day.

The unethical and schizophrenic exploiter had Enrique most of the day tied and muzzled like a dangerous dogo argentino, the most merciless and sanguinary canine on Earth whose jaws may break the femur of a robust man in two.

The daily meal of Enrique, provided by the owner of the dairy, consisted only of a glass of milk and an apple, reason why Pinti lost weight vertiginously.

Months later, rachitic and weighing 29 kilos, Enrique Pinti managed to catch a chisel and a hammer one evening, and breaking the chains that incarcerated him, escaped desperate toward the nearest train station, traveling like a stowaway to the shore, where he infiltrated his ill-nurtured body into a Buquebus, that took him to Montevideo, where Enrique had a faint and was sent in coma to the Hospital de Clínicas, due to his advanced state of denutrition.

Once recovered Enrique Pinti received a kick in the arse being ignominiously expulsed from the Hospital de Clínicas, where he in fact planned to live, at least for 6 or 7 years.

Despite the difficult conditions, and despite he had to sleep in an abandoned Citroën 2 CV in the zone of Pocitos, and despite he had to eat shoes that he found in the trash, Enrique Pinti swore he never would return to the Peruvian jungle, neither to the dairy.

As Pocitos has a beach (on the estuary of the Río de la Plata), Enrique Pinti, a bit maddened and louco for the distressing situation in which he lived, he used to go to la playa of Pocitos and get scandalously naked (this is, en pelotas), causing the blush of the young lady, and the barely hidden admiration of the mature, besides the officious intervention of the Uruguayan police that, every other day, arrested and jailed Enrique Pinti for obscene exposition of butt, cock and balls.

But is during one of his nights in jail, when Enrique knows a person who would introduce him into the show business: the Montevidean actor, performer, painter, filmmaker, strip-teaser, singer, transsexual, sculptor, pornographer, novelist and goalkeeper Florencia de la Verga, who was often arrested for her his sexual orientation and free performances in everything.

Florencia de la V and Enrique met accidentally at one of the humid and airless dungeons of la comisaría de Pocitos: the attraction was immediate and they fucked frenetically four minute after they saw eachother[sik].

After this animal and joyous encounter, and once released (two hours later), Florencia de la Verga took Enrique to live with her him.

By those times (early 1970s), the physical likeness with his brother Elton was astonishing:

Elton was already a well-know singer back then, unlike Enrique, who was the last beggar of Montevideo, notwithstanding the familial artistic vein would prevail, and Enrique Pinti, helped by his lover Florencia de la V, would start an ascendent career in the local theatres as a mime and performer of transgressive music-hall.

Massively influenced by the legendary Marcel Marsol, Enrique perfected gradually his art in the bittersweet, depressive and difficult world of the mimedom, also learning to paint his own face with a very innovative motif

none the less, the silent gesticulation was not for him, at all, since his nature was innately loquacious and dicharachera, yes, lady and genteel man, he could not keep his mouth shut:
Enrique Pinti was a vulgar charlatan of park, a fucking magpie, un loroun lorenzo, an automatic and inexhaustible chatterbox.

Florencia de la Verga finally rented a theatre, where both would be protagonists of a multi disciplinary show entitled "The adoration of the balloons", that included video clips of porno, glacial background music of heavy metal and industrial rock played on musicassettes TDK C-90, artistes of transvestism, a long and extremely gross monologue of Enrique Pinti, wild and lethal animals walked among the spectators, and finally the interaction of Florencia de la Verga masturbating on stage and having sex with the audience.

The scenes of vicious sex, humiliation, domination, sadomasochism, general immorality, profanity, irreverence and utter collective madness were daily seen, besides the frequent incidents with the animals.
The boa constrictor and the Indian tiger were especially difficult to control, not to mention the rhino, that had to be taken back to the municipal zoo, and de la Verga & Pinti had to pay a fine of 175,000 Nuevos Pesos in concept of violation of the common security and obscenity, sum that they could afford since the show was a huge success.

Unfortunately two weeks after the debut, Florencia de la V died in strange circumstances during a weekend of interminable hard sex, and Enrique had to engage a new partenaire to fill her his place

the chosen one was Florencia de la G, ex-gym & pilates instructor turned into porn actress with piercing in the clit.

The show "The adoration of the balloons" continued with unstoppable landslide of successes mostly vertebrated around the vagino-anal performances of Florencia de la Garcha and the abrasive speeches of Enrique Pinti written by himself as long monologues that changed every day so the audiences returned over and over ecstatic and taken by storm by this authentical diarrhea of creativity always new and extremely shocking since Enrique Pinti used an extensive abusive vulgar and dirty lexicon without boundaries or self-censure exploding in long discourses replete of nasty expletives obscenities sacrileges impieties smuth filth foul language and neverending paragraphs without commas.

Pinti, who learnt 9 languages (no one knows how) and liked to take the bad taste to its limits, used an extremely ample gamut of gros mots and puteadas during the hour and a half of monologue, including  

paja, sorete, gil, puta, huevos, polvo, concha, carajo, mierda, hija de puta, pinga, cagar, gomas, lolas, tetas, melones, Mariano Rajoy, poronga, chota, tragaleche, nieto de puta, garcha, follar, polla, joder, fifar, puñeta, coger, cojer, coño, cajeta, trola, forro, pajero, turro, pelotuda, venirse, pollón, cagaleche, boluda, Bill Clinton, capullo, conchuda, tragasable, la re-concha de tu abuela en slip, chupaculos, la recalcada cajeta de tu bisabuela en pelotas, la reputísima concha de la madre que te chiquicientas mil veces parió, te rompo el orto sin despeinarme, te rajo el orto caminando, te parto la concha como un queso reventada hija de 700,000 camiones de putas, cebame el ñoquis, abarajame la poronga, la concha de tu macho, la recalcadísima cajeta de tu vieja en tanga, estoy hasta los huevos y la reputa que te cagó, andá avisale a Godzilla que te saque a pasear en poronga gato, cojones, Albert Einstein, pija, hijo de un pete lejano, andate a la argolla de la reputísima madre que te parió vieja ortiba, pis, caca, mear, ANDÁ A CAGAR


In fact it wasn't in 9 languages, but the audience thought it was.

After these furious triumphs, Enrique Pinti bought the theatre, and dedicated the next years to mount more and more elaborate and outraging shows, which became spectacles of downright pornography... actually it could be said that Enrique Pinti was more important, or a at least more original than his brother, since Pinti was the creator of the groundbreaking genre porn theatre (or porn on theatre), while Elton John was (is, actually) a simple soft rock singer who didn't create anything new: 

totally enraptured in delirious artistic trance, Enrique Pinti visited the surgeon and got a pair of artificial boobs without a reasón.

And the shows were all successful, because he sold his brain to the infernal divinity Mamón invoked by the medium Mama Hope and her infallible Voodoo.

And by those times his brother Elton John and him were still quite alike, and they wore almost almost similar clothings and faces without a reasón


This sick, atrocious aaaaaaaaaaa 
aaaaaaaaaaaand absolutely deplorable story ends in the worst possible way:

in a stupor of frenetic buttfuckings during a hot weekend with Florencia de la Garcha, Enrique Pinti gets the tip of the condom entangled in the helix of an enormous "Ranser" ventilator settled too close to the bed, while the unstoppable centripetal force of the apparatus, pulling brutally from the trapped preservative, hauls the cock of Pinti toward the criminal vortex shattering his genitalia and finally his torso in 150 pieces: the end.

Sad story indeed, this of the secret brother of Elton John, principally because Elton John never knew this, his twin, and principally because this, his twin, never knew Elton John, that, his twin.

Be these lines, sniff... token, memento, or why not: tombstone for this un-encounter of twin brothers, one of them deceased victim of the lust and the erotomania, and allow me please to didicate these paragrachs to the horible memory of Henrique Pinti the twin brother of Elton Sir Jones, thanks

I'm too emotioned, can't go on.

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