99.000 years ago, the body of Eve -first man on the Earth- was assembled like a biped figurine, using the flesh of different animals that foraged on the countryside, mostly quadruped beasts, like the vauche or the diego (a giant antediluvian proto-dog).*1
With portions of the flesh of these brutes Eve was manufactured by two mechanical hands operated from a scarlet spacecraft (una nave espacial escarlata), and she was the first anthropomorphic entity seen on the Earth, with blood, and bones, and a womb delineated for reproduction
because Eve was the first man seen on the Earth.
During 7 days, her graphic designers left Eve alone on the countryside -while they still monitored her movements through television-
and Eve had hot blood, and vaginal humors[sic], and sweat, and emotional reasoning, and doubts, and the complex thinking.
Eve (or Eva) walked lost, night and day, disoriented and hungry, thirsty often, and she was left alone on a meadow, because she was an experiment, and the details of her reactions were minutely observed by unknown eyes:
the grass was her aliment during that week, and she was customized with a nicely shaped vagina, and endowed with sexual appetite, which Eve tried to satisfy mating with the mammals of the prairie, like the gnu, or the centaura, and although she experienced multiple orgasms, and her cunt was inflated with cum and pleasure, she still felt emotionally unsatisfied in her mind, and she didn't know why, and her builders didn't know why, either
and her builders monitored secretly every step of Eve during those days
from the sky, with penis-shaped retinae, they observed her reactions
because Eve was the first man seen on the Earth.
Finally, on the eight day, for some unknown reason**2 her builders decided to narcotize Eve, emitting a grumous nectar that floated in the air of the meadow, a delicious, unique and respirable nectar that tasted like semen of man, miel, olive oil and crêpe suzette flambée
and Eve breathed that sweet substance unintentionally, and she loved the taste, and she breathed more, and licked that grumous delight floating in the oxygen of the day, and she fell asleep, deeply asleep
like a dead daughter in pullover and jeans skirt on the wet summer grass of Cangas de Onís.
In her sleep, the secret cybernetic hands returned, and extracted a piece of bone from her pelvis
and a segment of skin from her labia minora.
And the steely hands built another man from those bodily parts of Eve, and it was called Adam, which means "made of vaginal flesh" or "from the cunt I took him".
and Adam was born asleep, and Eve still was submersed in her sleep, as well
and the Adamic genitalia was designed in convex phallus, and the tip of the phallus resembled the vagina of Eve, and the phallus of Adam was erect, tense in pulsatile ardor, and his mind was like the mind of a child, and Adam was dreaming in his sleep, and all his dreams were wet, and followed by emission of cum, because his flesh was made of vaginal tissue, and his whole nature was related and attached to the vagina, and Eve still didn't dream in her life
and all this was monitored from the sky, by unknown eyes, through hidden intranet.
Perceiving that both men (the male and the female) would soon wake up, the mechanical hands were immediately retired from the scene, and the anonymous creators stayed observing them through their monitors, hidden in the sky:
Adam and Eve woke up simultaneously at the seventh hour of the twilight
and both were naked, because the man still didn't invent the clothing in the world
and both were and laid on the grass, and it was the Summer on that hemisphere, and the month was Juliol, and the sun still was tall and shiny
and it illuminated the melons of Eve with a slightly perpendicular light, enhancing and reinforcing their spherical shape, and just returning from his sleep Adam got completely dazzled by those curvaceous and strange shapes, and covered Eve with his body and started fucking her instinctively, licking her tits at the same time, sucking her nipples madly, completely fascinated and lost in that physical universe of brand new wonders
and Eve received that unused and hardened cock into her twat with astonishment, because she just woke up from her narcotic sleep, and she couldn't refuse -and neither wanted to refuse-, and that unknown animal called Adam began to fuck her as soon as she woke up, and she was totally confused and overjoyed, because that strange animal was like her, and fucked her with a frenetic passion that she never knew before, and she didn't know his name, or where he came from, or what he was, but she didn't care, because the social norms of decency still weren't invented
and it was the first time Eve felt pleasure and emotion at the same time in her life
and she came, and a chained thread of orgasms possessed her, and she was ecstatic and enraptured in contradictory and wild sensations, and her mental state was tranced with confusion, happiness, fear, awe, joy and perplexity, all mixed with a feeling of fullness that was completely new and hypnotic:
Adam couldn't stand anymore, and ejected a long, powerful and abundant cumshot that splashed the Eve's face, tits, vagina, neck and abdomen, licking his own yoghurt with fruition from the bodily surface of Eva, who received the sticky lingual and labial caresses with irrational felicity, as Adam bit and sucked and kissed her lips all covered in cum.
It was the seventh hour and a half in the twilight, and the fever of Adam was undiminished, and as he continued sucking the cunt of Eve, all soaked in sperm, his cock regained erection again, and he started fucking her anew, and he didn't even know her name.
And during the entirety of that night Adam fucked Eve, and the coituses were consecutive and neverending, because Adam recovered erection almost immediately after he came
and in the course of that night his tongue discovered the clitoris, and his cerebrum discovered the different screams of Eve
and the anal entrance of Eve was also found, and he loved her anally, and it was a different kind of ardor for him, equally delicious and maddening, and it made Eva cum as well, because during the anal fucking the smooth and erect balls of Adam caressed her clitoris incessantly
and the mouth of Eve discovered the Adam's cock, and she saw it was more smooth and attractive than the other animal's cock, and she started licking it and sucking it, because she liked the shape
and she saw that the glans of Adam was more attractive than the glans of other mammals, and its structure was more defined, svelte and strange, and she felt an ever growing irrational captivation for that human phallus that she didn't understand
and it was the first time Eve sucked a cock in her life, because she adored its shape, so different to the other mammals' cock
and she felt an urge to masturbate it between her tits, and Adam saw it was sweet, and Eve felt an emotional arousal with this tit fuck***3, because it made her envision something naughty and hot in her mind
and all this was monitored during that night
through hidden lenses of silicon, somewhere in the space
far, far away from the Earth.
*1 According to the Dr. Raquel Melmac on her book "Jenetic advent of the human kind"
**2 As the mystic, magus and football goalkeeper Rolo Puente speculates on his essay "Sexual creation of the skies", the builders of Eve (or graphic designers, if they were not the same), decided to consult the astral houses, searching for a reply about Eve, because they didn't understand her mind, and her instinctive reactions were unpredictable.
Sagittarius showed them a manifest and clear answer in its cusp: Eve needed man's cock.
***3 Asked about the reasons for the tittyfuck, the Prof. Gordon Shumway stated:
"I don't know, maybe because boobs are awesome? And guys want their dick near the fuck-able stuff they find awesome during sex. This is not a logical activity, it's more like 'artificial', balloons are not vaginas, ya' know, the pleasure for a woman in tittyfuck is merely mental, intellectual, but... isn't the mind a sexual organ itself?
Maybe the most powerful of them all.
Tittyfuck, I think, it's a 'soft' form of perversion, a naïve and 'light' deviation from what's deemed 'normal sex' (vaginal coitus, between two people only, missionary position preferred), being zoophilia, coprophagy or incest, much more extreme forms of sexual deviation -let alone pedophilia which, besides, it's a criminal action punished by law in most countries, except Belgium[sic]-.
Except the mentioned pedophilia and the rape (which are actually related to the non-consensual, and therefore infringe the human liberty per se), the rest of the sexual deviations may or may be not deemed 'degeneration', depending on how liberated is the mind of every person.
Some women like to get a good cumshot in their face, even in their throat, others apparently don't like it, in fact it all depends on the mental freedom to recognize that the 'naughty' factor plays an interesting role in the arousal and the sexual fantasy.
Fucking in public would be another exciting form of deviation, maybe, closely related to the exhibitionism... in the end what the mind wants is the 'novelty', the unusual, the risky, the forbidden, the vicious... the different, and the tittyfuck is one of the most safe and inoffensive forms of this."
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