17 may 2014

7 cities of Tubal-Cain

And turned out to be that longos eons ago, at the very dawn of mankind, when there were only 999 humans in the World, the perverse king Tubal-Cain reigned supreme on the Earth, and the flesh of Tubal-Cain was made of chocolate and gold 

and he had 179 sons and 179 daughters, and he married them all to the daughters and the sons of the land, in collective ceremony which was called a massive fuckarda, because they all ended fornicating among the guests, Tubal-Cain included.

It's not said, though, if his 179 sons, and 179 daughters were engendered in a same woman, or several.

Tubal-Cain (in those arid and intractable times) was the first man, and also the first woman, or the first anything who sowed pig.


As you heard it: he sowed pig.

The story is a bit strange, I know, but there wasn't any pig on the Earth yet.

You had the oily snake, and the bucolic cow, and the sexual horse, and the perverted rabbit, and the puzzling zebra, and the sweaty gnu, and the svelte cat, and the fabulous archaeopteridales, and the grumous batrachia, but you hadn't the pig, yet

on the Earth

so Tubal-Cain received telestial seeds of pig, and he sowed them on fertile terrain conveniently enriched with his own muscular and smoky crap of his, and he watered the seeds of pig, and the pig germinated, and there is how the porcine came to the world.

And all the swine we know today descend from those seeds of pig that Tubal-Cain sowed, the year 4004 BC, at 9 AM.

After this epos Tubal-Cain founded 7 cities, in a foundational stupor that made him build 77 ziggurats in 1 day, and to repose from this titanic erection of cities and edifices Tubal-Cain impregnated that night 77 daughters of the land reclined on a turning bed also called litera giratoria or camastro.

And in the 7 cities of Tubal-Cain the corruptelas and the amoral were proverbial, and the sky was closer to the Earth in those times of mete-saca.

Despite his miserable vility, Tubal-Cain was also recognized as the inventor of the maize, of the wheat, and of the vineyard, but as he got all the sons of the land inebriated, he was chastised with a violent punishment and sent to Hades for 2 years and 1 week, after which he was returned to the surface of the Earth, vomited by the first volcano that existed on the Earth, the Etna, also called "El Pozo Voluptuoso", ignoble pit crowned by the calendula and other plants that emit cum, where the Nymphettes of Phallustein fucked without respite.

After his comeback to Earth Tubal-Cain dedicated his life to the mere degeneration, and to the zoophilia and to the incest and to the aberration of the flesh, and to the general depravity and to the assorted paraphilia and to the anal intercourse.

In knowing[sic] of this reign of wholesale delights at the 7 cities of Tubal-Cain, the semi-extinct nation of the double-blowjob fairies, who lived in Phallustein, close to the gonococcal jungles of the deformed ogres Mantegazza, they mounted on their lover-horses, and galloped toward the dessicated plateaux where Tubal-Cain lived in communal and indiscriminated fornication with his population (the whole mankind of those times), to participate of so much carnal felicity.

After days and days riding their horse-lovers, with some daily stopovers to sleep and suck horse cock, the double-blowjob fairies arrived in the dehydrated and hot tableland where Tubal-Cain had his lost cities, and they were commanded by the Empress Delasoul Bukkake, current monarch, and owner of all the horse cocks.

The amalgam of centripetal forces on those semi-urbanized terraces of steel is what precipitated the end of such civilization of infamy and infraction, because as soon as the double-blowjob fairies arrived, they and their leader Delasoul Bukkake clashed against the peoples of Tubal-Cain for the supremacy and the reciprocal anal possession, which pushed finally the lecherous fairies to attack the 6th city, more precisely the palace of Tubal-Cain, in a rush of horses and hemlets of nickel alloy.

Finally the insatiable double-blowjob fairies heated mercury in the air, and fumigated this lethal agent at the 999 humans of Tubal-Cain, provoking a total genocide.

Indignant, from the platinum porn film sets of Olympus, Aphrodite Apodecta cummed a muted and repugnant blennorrhagia from her cunt, that pested the sex of the double-blowjob fairies, making their vaginas bleed to death, with abundant discharge of milky mucopurulent juice

After this puke-inducing holocaust, Zios himself planted a seed of human, to recuperate the species, which was completely deleted by the nymphomaniacal fairies.
There is how the human returned to the world.

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