4 dic 2013

The Prince Goldfinch

But Prince Prospero was happy and dauntless 
-and sagacious.
And when his dominions were half-depopulated he summoned a thousand light-hearted friends from among the knights and dames of his cohorts, and with these libertines Prospero retired to the deep seclusion of one of his castellated abbeys.

And there were buffoons

and there were improvisatori

and there were ballet-dancers
and there were músicos
and there was beauty
and there was vino.

And this happened in the center of Prince Prospero's 39 years of oldness

and Prospero was felicitous and enfermo
-and mendacious.

But the days of rain, those inundated days in the real world, 
these poor, vassals and property of the princeps, with their atrophied limbs, they begged
-they begged for grain and the black bread at the rich ogival gates where God prefers to enter.

And while sordid servant threw Italian galleta and salt at emaciated crowd, 
from goldened in-purple-ish balcony adorned, with displicence, Prospero Prince, poniard in hand he jumped, on the defenceless mob
shattering them in pieces, poniard in hand, Prospero Prince, all in white, deified.

And all this occurred in the dry days when the hunting high and low still was taught by Athena Lactal at the wood of the man; 
and the monkey d'or still existed at the Ardennes, and beyond, through Mánchester and Glastónbery, and around Biscay, and beyond, and Prospero was amoral and déconcertant
-and fallacious like the so-called love.

But these mornings when the fall leaves fall, as cracking platinum on ground, stupid 
at the acute eye of the azor avizor, avian or demiurge; Satana or amour maudit, his vast gardens Prospero Prince visited, all in green dressed, on erect horse transported.

And irregular beasts he possessed, like the caballo vapor or the sanguinolent gueparde, and prey of passionate cruelty Prospero tortured them in cartilaginous torments of blade, because abnormal beasts he possessed, like the women of Libra or the Lacedaemonian snake: in his infatuated cupidity, 66 wars he started -lost in vesania- against the 66 noblemen of the provinces and their Majordomos.
And in fyre their castells he devoured: torrets, fossa and walls.

And to celebrate this revolution of delirium or illumination his 66 concubines himself dismembered: clitoris, vulva and areola, and roasted the bodies were, and thrown at the hyena of the hamlet, which lives at the entrance, and walks behind you under the sun.

After the incendiary demonstrations, of love for the homicidal crime Prospero disappeared, like the Hebrew prophet in front of the uncircumcized dogs, and searched he was, in Pamplona and Badalona, and in Valls, Tarragona; and beyond the cold London, and the walled citadels that pest the Parisian nests.

And the voices called out his name all night through moribund towns-

They say that one European dawn, while promenading by the abandoned terraces where the wild tea grows, a page, crossbow in hand -man, angel, transvestite or woman-, he diverted his time decimating aexual birds of sumptuous plumage.

Suspended in the hard air, the thin arrow flew and, in implacable penetration, into the pink heart of the goldfinch got stuck.
Caressed by yellow feathers, the chest of the bird crimson appeared, in the exposed cardiac flesh, beating in gushing coagulation.

In the face of the fowl a question, his beak mouth, his mouth mouth.... 
and as the arteries push torrent, in neverending black hemorrhage, you see the goldfinch-Prospero; you see the Prospero-goldfinch, and as the arteries push torrent, in neverending black hemorrhage.

Príncipe Prospero died 

90 years later any way
in his bed of mental sick
like an inflated Herod Antipas
regaled with 100 idiocies 
by a page with meningitis
man, angle, tranvestite or woman
among maidservants fucking

at the stainless H20 of his room

while the fast forests rained 
66 concubines combed his hair
red curls, like a Catholic angelote
regaled with 100 idiocies 100
by man, angle tranvestite or woman
under the blue ceiling painted
with hexangular zodiacal table
by some demented Zoroaster

while a nymph blowjobizes him

with vaginal lips, white like cheese
Prospero Prince agonizes confused
the head full of chimerical monsters
at the vitiated nada of his room
assisted by 66 energumens
Prince Prospero died
90 years later 90
in his bed of mental sick.

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