1 dic 2013

Spectral Gijón, a stranger in town

Decided to go to the street when the rain stopped, "Thor": a movie announced at the bus stop
it still is there since October, the director is?

Walking the dog.
The neighbor opens and closes her yellow umbrella hysterically, as the wind shifts from south/west to north/north.
-"Hey, madam: please would you pick the turd from the sidewalk?"
I did tread on dog's crap many times, some people say it represents good luck... all I know is that in the elevator everybody looked at me with strange face.

Passing by another street of Gijón you can see this thing at the windows to hang the clothes.
It's quite oxidized and I wonder if they hang very private outfits like tanga, wonderbrassiere, sexy stockings, suspender belt or sado-fetishist items, say, nurse, cop or dominatrix disguise.

The Asturian diet consists of pork, horrid bugs and monsters from the ocean, pork, human beings, pork, pasta or rice prepared in grotesque manners, pork, strange experiments with milk, potages with pork, and pork.
Here the portions served at a restaurant, 2 blocks away from my home:
octopus a la Galician, ear (of pork), lacon (more pork), chosco (?), calamares (squids), cachelos (?), pimientos (pepper), grilled octopus, octopus prepared with garlic, with vinegar, with pesto, octopus in tomato sauce and liquor (wtf), octopus/others (no idea, I'm dizzy), wings (of what?)
Bon apetito.

One block away from the restaurant we stumble upon an esoteric shop: "Tienda esotérica Omí Ye Yé"... note the sordid image of a "pentagram" on the left of the image (a well-known symbol used in the European Satanism).
There also reads: "tarot, jobs of Umbanda & Kimbanda" (Brazilian rites), and the announce of a sort of ritual they do called "pasar el agua" (literally "passing the water").
I tried to find something about this ritual, "passing the water"... the explanations are unclear, and it's almost impossible to find data about this in English (it seems to belong almost exclusively to the esoteric Afro-Brazilian sub-world of religions, strongly related to the "paranormal" and the "magic").

The few -and obscure- explanations I found about this ritual, state that the "client" has to bring water in a bottle from his home.
The water will be submitted to a ritual that is performed in order to get rid of the dreaded "evil eye".
The client (or "spiritual patient", in this case) returns home with the bottle of water blessed; he has to drink a glass of this water once a day, and his "bad luck, curses and obstacles" will disappear.

Waiter... a Coca-Cola please, diet.

The evening started falling heavy like lead, and I found a shop of "miscellanea" and souvenirs, exposed at the window: some singles 45 RPM of the recently deceased singer Manolo Escobar.
Bizarre? Bizarre.

All of a sudden (like everything I do) I decided to run toward the supermarket, or oligo-market "Carrefour"... overcrowded, as always, the first thing I see is... yeah! Pork!

Jambon y más jamón, Ibérico, Pata Negra, fed with nuts: a leg? 99 euro.

The porcine legs are exposed like art, like Goya's or El Greco's or Manet's against a wall, and beyond, and on another corner, and there and also here, and everywhere, país jamón, país jamón! A fucking Louvre of the grease and the cholesterol:

Welcome to pork country, let's oink along and let's die of gout and heart attack:

I was searching for my "yerba mate", unfortunately I couldn't find the brand I like this week, but I found something risible: Iron Maiden beer.
I wonder who buys this, someone probably, otherwise it wouldn't be there.
It's licensed by EMI? Or it's a bootle g? (ho-ho, un joke).

Waiter, are you still there? A coffee and a shot in the balls please.


Not far from the soy milk you can pick some bottle of goat milk (there's also sheep milk, some metres away)

After passing in front of the ketchups and mayos and the weird collection of mustardas sold here, I find pizza "parrilla argentina with sauce argentina, made with meat of Argentina", salsassssssss chimichurri!!! What the fuck is "molho"? Wait, who the fuck made this fraudulent pizza argentina made with sauce argentina? Because I never saw IT in Argentina. And what the feck is "molho"?


Then we arrive where the tomato is, regiments, armies, platoons of tomato in can in 1000 different ways:


I left the place very very depressed and went to the beach... the night was a bit gelid, and the whales cried not from the distance, although they probably were there... stalking... waiting... hearing...

Hearing for the day of the great destruction, that final.

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