Papposilenus was a rugose and broun semi-Satyr, but he was much older and much more obscene and provocative: his erectedness showed at the platinum boscage of the nymphettes every afternoon, and there Papposilenus was regaled with blawjabs and analx without a reasón.
His joy and merriment was exaggerated, bestial, excessive, like the happiness of that kind of unredeemed drunkards that we see in brown bars or tabernas of the suburbs of our cities, with their small, shiny and round eyes plethoric of ocular juice overflowing without a reasón (or possibly due to 100 physiologic reasóns).
And the most exaggerated jocundity in the life of Papposilenus happened the day when he and his cohorts of satyrs and satyresses discovered the honey, because no one knew the honey until that day, except Miele, god of honey, an almost unknown god who lived in a trunk full of this sticky and golden substance.
Papposilenus was a nain, un enano, a midget, he was like a man, but he was not exactly human, rather a satyriazed man, or a humanized satyr, he wasn't an ungulate with furry legs and a tail, but he acted like the satyrs do, copulating carelessly with the hamadryads, and even with Daphne, the nymph who was turned into a laurel tree to escape from the ejectable and veloce cum of Apollo.
And were the years of Papposilenus 3,000, and died Papposilenus -or killed himself- full of tedium and loathe for the life.
During the epic battle among Saturnus, the ogres and the double-blowjob fairies, Papposilenus was neutral, clever strategy that assured pax and silenx in his arrondissements while the monstrous battle was liberated in the burned skies
His joy and merriment was exaggerated, bestial, excessive, like the happiness of that kind of unredeemed drunkards that we see in brown bars or tabernas of the suburbs of our cities, with their small, shiny and round eyes plethoric of ocular juice overflowing without a reasón (or possibly due to 100 physiologic reasóns).
And the most exaggerated jocundity in the life of Papposilenus happened the day when he and his cohorts of satyrs and satyresses discovered the honey, because no one knew the honey until that day, except Miele, god of honey, an almost unknown god who lived in a trunk full of this sticky and golden substance.
Papposilenus was a nain, un enano, a midget, he was like a man, but he was not exactly human, rather a satyriazed man, or a humanized satyr, he wasn't an ungulate with furry legs and a tail, but he acted like the satyrs do, copulating carelessly with the hamadryads, and even with Daphne, the nymph who was turned into a laurel tree to escape from the ejectable and veloce cum of Apollo.
And were the years of Papposilenus 3,000, and died Papposilenus -or killed himself- full of tedium and loathe for the life.
During the epic battle among Saturnus, the ogres and the double-blowjob fairies, Papposilenus was neutral, clever strategy that assured pax and silenx in his arrondissements while the monstrous battle was liberated in the burned skies
Papposilenus uninterrupted erection or priapism was not due to his sex drive, no: it was due to the immoderate torrents of cum or leche that filled his testicles non-stop, lactiferous nectar that had to be constantly ejected, fucking with satyresses, nymphs, ondines, rusalkas, xanas, sheep, mares, or simply wanking.
Deuz endowed Papposilenus with the gift of the precocious ejaculation, in order to alleviate the desperation of his balls that were relentlessly replenished by cum over and over again, so that, at the least touch or chafe in his cock, Papposilenus ejaculated a felicitous column of cum, and the platinum boscage of the nymphs stayed -during the dry seasón, called la seca- completely white all covered in his spermaceti, until the rains washed it away, leaving it platinized again.
Is also interesting to tell you -spoiled reader, my defalcator- how one day a week, due to his exorbitant excess of cum, Papposilenus masturbated in long but undiminished session of branlettes, filling numerous bottles with the thick lactage of his cojones, precious liquid with which the satyric community -and himself- prepared excellent cheeses:
this semen cheese or Queso de Papposileno was very esteemed in Corinth, Neopatria and the Despotate of Epirus, because -according to the Byzantine emperor Andronicus II Palaeologus- a simple portion caused "erections like thermoses".
And were the years of Papposilenus 5,000, and died Papposilenus -or descended to the medulla of the Earth- when the apostatical throne des dieux énormes was triturated by the obliquity of Nova.
Is also interesting to tell you -spoiled reader, my defalcator- how one day a week, due to his exorbitant excess of cum, Papposilenus masturbated in long but undiminished session of branlettes, filling numerous bottles with the thick lactage of his cojones, precious liquid with which the satyric community -and himself- prepared excellent cheeses:
this semen cheese or Queso de Papposileno was very esteemed in Corinth, Neopatria and the Despotate of Epirus, because -according to the Byzantine emperor Andronicus II Palaeologus- a simple portion caused "erections like thermoses".
And were the years of Papposilenus 5,000, and died Papposilenus -or descended to the medulla of the Earth- when the apostatical throne des dieux énormes was triturated by the obliquity of Nova.
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