The morning starts burning in the jaws of unknown feline or man:
they pray in the flames for some reason, their skin is obdurated by the suffering.
This horror inspired verses in the brain of Portuguese imagineiro Almeida Garrett, and paintings by Rafael and other Renaissance witches who perceived the horrible scenes through mediumnic trance, obtained by passing water under their beds at night.
After one morning of 100 years in the flames, Celine and her girlfriends and boyfriends sit down to eat:
the fire is now milder, more benign
there's a large table covered with a white altar cloth of linen:
just out from the shower, Saint Raphael diligent, ángel and tutor of the man, he serves buñuelos and consecrated wine.
Celine and her girlfriends manducate like the Israelites in the desert, while the eyes of the unknown feline or man that contains them in his mouth looks at the immensity:
this segment served of reference for the banquets of "Gargantua and Pantagruel":
when Rabelais envisioned the scene through polished metal prism, he stayed ecstatic under the galaxial evolutions in the night.
Like a human being who is a son of the future.
Passed the afternoon of the century, and as the agape in the soft flames dies with the twilight, the table and the morsels disappear:
the Judaic archangel Gabril is sent to the encounter, he is as tall as two men of war, and his aureate hairs are like the hairs of woman under the potence of the sun:
magnanimous, Gabril doesn't need to distinguish good from evil: his yellow eyes are lanterns over the planet of the man, and he's got the Talmud in his hands:
Gabriel invites -or kidnaps- Celine and cohorts out of the jaws, to lead them through a secular journey:
100 years of travel Celine and the others have in their horizon
100 years of travel into the black world, into a sea of crows:
epilogue and trial until reaching Cœlestial Grace... those pellucid palaces of melted glass that we'll never
3 centuries in the Celine's Purgatory.
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