3 jun 2013

Un cuentito

As narrated by the Archpriest of Hita in a vignette of his "Book of Good Love", Pere Aleixandre & Arya Queso fornicated on the King's bed, observed by a female kestrel or cernícalo.

In an incise there's an almost illegible allusion to the head of the bird-woman, which was oval and full of blood serum and curd.

The chapter il s'agit d'une story of coitus interruptus, voyeurism and finally insanity, as the cernícalo defecated and cummed on their genitals ad infinitum.

Walls and soil were covered with Moorish carpets, and 100 armed men had to enter the room a sangre y fuego: to kill the monster they had to burn the bedchamber to the foundations, using Greek fire.

The tale ends in imprecise zig-zags, perhaps only an allegory from the time when the man just started the genocide over the savage beasts, that escaped to the skies to find refuge.

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