Eleven men from Upsssala initiated, that monday of the year 20... the departure to the nival north
accompanied by the commissar of the comarque of Pajala they were, accompanied
destination?: visiting the telestial kiosks of Oden
to do something that no man or energumen did before, entering wallhallah alive.
At first, they intended to go in taxi
the idea was discarded later, for hydraulic reasons
once at the feet of the mountains that communicate the oxygenated divinities with the muddy mortals, they walked in bodily horizontal position a vertical slope of the mount Dondokken (satanic miracle? Prodigy of the aerodynamics? Bullshit?)
The victuals consisted of ass of yak, caña Legui and remolacha
The moment to eat was stipulated exactly at noon, once a week, on mondays
quienquiera ignored that regulation would be cruelly hanged by the hairs of their glutei, and left to die at the insatiablenesses of the arctic condor.
One, two, six, ten months of ascensum, and never reaching the top of the mountain? (Diabolical portent? Terrestrial aberration? Irish bull?)
The hammer of Tyr dictated sentence: one by one the men were hanged, one by one succumbed at their disordered appetite, one by one were eliminated on the risky rough rocky rising road.
"And the Mäëllströms observed hungry, at their feet
burning for human flesh".
Finally, the 11th day of the 11th month of ascension, only two men arrived at the gates Wallhallah
"And armed with ardent patience, they entered trough the argent colonnades of the Wallhallean municipality".
Oden was not there, just 5 prefects of the Norrbotten County, who immediately arrested the starving climbers, taking them to the jail of Pajala in a Fiat 133.
After these discouraging events, the population of Sweden became irreligious, and the lycanthropy appeared on streets and villages
Stock Holm was sieged and passed under fyre by troops of the Eurozone until the armistice
during la Riorganizzazione Nazionale, the Italian was implanted as new official idiom.
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