3 feb 2013

Los Aviones de la Maldad

The planes of evil fly in blue twilights, though, in my opinion, the twilights are yellow.

The planes of evil fly under argent skies built in trash cans

the planes of evil are hardened, and fly like bolitas de rulemán, challenging all the laws of the aeronautics

because the planes of evil are bulletproof, and are built in black acero.

The planes of evil appear suddenly from the flames, like the genocidal Salamander, described in the Talmud and the Attic myths.

Yes, the genocidal Salamander, beast that possessed the Ignited Carbuncle, and the Oriflama.

The planes of evil fly around us, like mosquitos of gold, though we don't see them

in their pyrolatry, the planes of evil disseminate calenture among the mortäls

and the fevers.

In rapid and simultaneous fusillade and volley, they attack the villages consumed by the inferno of the rubella.

As if we would guess them in mirages of blaze, they penetrate oür dreams

dreams devastated by the view of the pestilence, pestes noires, medieval pandemias

villages incinerated under the heavy potency of their metallic toenails.

You'll never see the planes of evil, but you'll feel the rotting heat of their breath in your earlobes

burning breath that smells like garlic mashed with powdered iron and saliva.

Because in their pyrolatry, the planes of evil disseminate calenture among the mortäls

and the fevers...


...have you beheld the fevers..?

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