Voyaging in car by the Partido de la Costa [sic] in 1987 or 1988, the Renault 4 got defunct close to the rotunda of Altocamet [junction Chapadmalal]:
we had to mount a tent among the abrojos, in the middle of the solar hell of January.
My mouth was extremely dry: there was an unopened and small bottle of Gini Cola, which I had to open hitting it against a rock
the beverage was hot, after the first sip I felt my mouth going acquiescently anesthetized by the powerful remedy-like drink, which was thick like syrup
I puked the infernal Gini-Cola violently on the cardamomos that were semi-incinerated along the boiling highway.
On the radio of the exhausted car sounded an amplitude modulation (AM) programme hosted by Sergio Velasco Ferrero, person who used to speak very fast, I think he ended in a mental institution, and then escaped
suddenly that guy stopped speaking, and "Porque te vas" by Jeanette started sounding, the sound quality of the radio was low, the music sounded like croquettes frying, I was semi dizzy.
On the seats of the car there was a sensationalist tabloid, "Flash", that showed terrible images, some of them really nausea inducing
while the other people were eating paleta sanguchera sandwiches, I took a look at another magazine, "Radiolandia 2000"
on the 20th page, there was an actress Moria Casán en tetas, I mean, she was with no brassiere on
my hormones got totally alarmed, but the car seemed to work again, so we had to leave that horrible zone
the magazines stayed fallen among the paja brava, the summer was abnormally hot: the whole scenario was aberrantly munícipe
we suppose that we weren't indefinitely satellized yet
later, the years brought strange things, those strange things that not even visionaries like Jules Verne would predict.
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