24 ene 2012

The slow jungles of Olympus

According to the data from the astronomic files the gods and the animals were made of the same matter, in the beginning of the cold void.
The first gods were the huge and cruel sons and daughters of the naturalistic Mother Earth, Gaia, planetal and female origin of the solid things of the Universe.
Before Gaia, the Universe only existed as an empty space called Chaos.
So Gaia gave birth all the other planets and suns, and those first immense gods, the Tytans, mentioned above, brothers and sisters of the planets, and taken from the same Earthly mud of Gaia, which was her thick vaginal juice, blood of the blood of her father, the Chaos-Universe, first thing (or concept) that existed.

The animals were a soft, warm and irrational derivation of gods and planets, same as the man and the woman: all they came to be modified mud of Gaia

And Gaia was blood of Chaos, her father, first thing that existed

Chaos, Unyverse or space was and is actually the same, and he (it) was the first thing that existed, because he (it) never had a beginning, because it (he) was the essential existence itself
because it (him) was notion and concept of existence. Mind.

When the Mind of Chaos was Word, Verb and Will, Gaia appeared.

The hermaphrodite Tytans inseminated themselves on Mount Olympus, and new gods were born from their chests and heads:
smaller and less bestial, the Olympic Gods, blood of blood of blood of the celestial Unyverse by derivation.

These new and smaller gods were like the men, different to their fathers the Tytans, who looked like animals.


Zeus, the leader of these sons, planned to send all the Tytans to the black abyss with iron walls, called Tartarüs, Tartarüs was a chasm and a living entity at the same time, and nobody can return from this abÿss.

So Zeus and his brothers threw their fathers Tytans into the Tartarüs black hole with no mercy, to enjoy the Olympic delights only for themselves

this is why Zeus was called Owner of the Universe and Parricide.

The first Tytan in line to descend horribly into the chasm was the black and young Kronos, cutter of the men's lives

the rest of his immense brothers followed him in a free fall that still today goes on, because Tartarüs hasn't a bottom...the interface of its walls reflect the own faces of the condemned ones in the fall, in a suspended sequence. Deleted, eternal.


The only thing that Zeus and his Olympic brothers could not own was the time, since Kronos fell down into the nefarious Tartarüs holding the time in his black, huge and bony hands forever nevermore.

All these battles occured at the most remote telestial distances of the astral mansions, in the prostate of the Unyverse, there, too far away to even be conceived by the human mind.

So the definitive order of the elements was settled.
So the Olympic gods dedicated themselves to roam across the slow jungles of Olympus, killing their interminable time in 1,000 superficial pleasures.

Zeus triple phallus was attended by Hera, Aphrodite and Athena's mouths at the same time with fever, in delicious afternoons, which lasted 100 years, because the time passed slowly by the slow jungles of Olympus.

Mars, owner of all the shields fucked the archeress Atalanta anally everyday among the origan, his cock had to be anointed with Greek olive oil, since Atalanta's anal ring was narrow and delicate.

The smell of the anal blood mixed with the olive oil and the vaginal hormones of the goddesses attracted the sexual furor of the Centaurs, who often had to be frightened away by the lightning of Zeus.

The only human allowed in this 3D and paranormal world were the Bacchantes, women from town who climbed up to Olympus, led by Pan during the red summer evenings.

In their ascension, the Bacchantes used to run naked by the perpendicular prairies, shattering bulls with their own hands.
They ate the testicles of the bull, and got dressed with the bleeding skin of the animal, after this, Pan unveiled the hüman limitation of their eyes mentally: now the Olympus dimension could be perceived by their retinas.

Once in Olympus, and after a libation, the Bacchantes were fucked to death by the horses of Venus Putana, as a terminal offering: the goddess accepted their anal sacrifice and settled these mortals in the sky amongst the stars.

Because all this happened in the slow jungles of Olympus, when the human still lived naked and the Earth-Gaia still was hot and soft like a croquette.

But all this naturalistic and sexual freshness was spoiled when the man started climbing and invading the dimension of Olympus and its slow jungles with Reiki and nuclear carts.

Enigmatic and heavy was the dethronement of Zeus and his brothers.

Impenetrable and black the dethronement of Zeus and his brothers was?

Because enigmatic and heavy was the dethronement
of Zeus
and his brothers.

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