7 ene 2012

Elephant legs

Ten years before the arrival of the Massiahh, a group of Macabi were seated down by the fountain of IerushAlem.

All throughout the afternoon they were throwwing the Qqabbalah in many sorts of secret combinations: after a series of unclear results, they got terribly anguished, ripped off their robes, and dressed their weak bodies with cilice, as they covered their heads with ashes during three days with their nights.

At the eleventh hour of the third day, a Rabboni called Mersheshiah, came closer to the strange group: 25 Pharisees followed him sans kippa: as it seems, he was a connoisseur of the astronomic arts.
He said he had the answer: the one who wants to know it, shall summon the immense shadowball that lies in the black; if he doesn’t lose his mind after the terrible meeting, then he will have the clue.

The Macabi looked at him in the eye: someone shouted that it was impossible for any man
except Elijah
they asked him vociferating with red eyes:

-“Are you Elijah?”

He stayed crestfallen, looking at the ground during 1 hour, with his tongue stuck to his palate.

They asked again:

-“Are you Elijah, who has returned?”

In front of his silence, they started casting stones at him, but the supreme Rabbonai came out from the Temple, to avoid a shameful lapidation.

The supreme rabboni talked at last:

-“Yzrael: you don’t need to do so much evyl in Yzrael, with one of your brothers of Yzrael: for the life of me, I won’t allow such wickedness in the city of ****, and in Sabhat.”

Finally the Pharisee was crucified because he pretended falsely to be Elijah, and tried to invert the meaning of the Scriptures: because he inverted the meaning of the Talmud Bavli in blasphemy.

After this, a huge pest of tyrannosaura, and mammalia of heavy feet devastated the land up to Samaria, and Beerseba, and beyond, to the Gallaecia and the Asia Minor: cases of lycanthropy were not rare.

Seven days before the apparition of the Eastern Star, a black-winged ball appeared in front of the supreme Rabboni during his sleep and took him away: nobody saw him nevermore.

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