6 ene 2012

At the hellish gates of Manwoman

Chad Turnbull or whatever his name is, lost his mind the day 12 of November of 1987, it was a very painful mental experience, because he actually realized that he was going insane while he was going insane.

As usually happens with 90% of the American males as they're arriving at their 40's, he started getting irreversibly overweight and easily irritable, though the problem with Chad Turnbull were his nightmares...he started experiencing horryd nyghtmares every nyght.

In part due to his psychotropics abuse.
In part due to a certain predestination he said he had.

In my opinion Turnbull had messianic megalomania [meglomania], increased by means of a strange psycho-drug called D*******
and by his excess of otherwordly nightmares.

He had nightmares because of his nightmares.

In 1989 he changed his name, legally, to Manwoman, which was, from that moment onwards, his one and only name.

Manwoman was abandoned by everybody, his family avoided him, his wife (who was a frigid dumbass) escaped from him terrified, to live in another State *incognito*, and his friends got completely alienated by his demented behavior.

He didn't care, because he was in permanent mystic trance: left the flat he rented, bought a cheap house trailer, and there decided to live with his cats, surrounded by esoteric amulets and strange things.


Sunrise to sunset Manwoman observed the blue mountains from his trailer drinking yerba mate

the alignment of the circular cosmick bodyes, like La Sol or El Luna, he observed
by means of digital lenses he observed

and in the nyghts, he observved the streamlined thread of the planets dancing, like angels dancing in Rome.

His cats mated and had kittens, Manwoman named each kitten after a planet: Saturn, Mars, Earth, Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune and so on.

and on so.

And so.

And on.

When the day was rainy, Manwoman screamed out loud into hys trayler very worryed, because he was convynced it was a new Diluvium, the end of the world.

When the day was exceptionally sunny or phenomenal, Manwoman danced naked on the blüë möüntäïns, in his mind, he thought he wäs a planet called E-77.

As tyme went by, his nightmares became heavier, more and more dense and vivid...he grew a long beard, and in his nightmares, the beard was a flying carpet, and he traveled world on his own beard.

Manwoman traveled world on his own beard.

Manwoman himself prepared hys psychotropic capsules, with yerba mate and ammonia.

During the canicular nyghts of Summer, nyghts that -in Europe- are property of Sirius and Procyon, nyghts which some people call Dog Nyghts, Manwoman contacted cerebrally with *********

Also called visitors or shadows, by some people.

No podría realmente determinar el paradero o status actual de Manwoman, si está vivo o muerto
si está en este mundo...o no
en esta dimensión, o no

sus pesadillas derivaron en experiencias siniestras, atroces, inconfesables, nefandas, monstruosas.

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